Classical English Rhetoric - Ward Farnsworth

英語教育 2012年 04月号 [雑誌]』の連載「アングロ・サクソン文明落穂集」で、渡部昇一氏が紹介していたレトリックの本。18種類のレトリックが実例(リンカーンチャーチルディケンズメルヴィルエドマンド・バーク、トマス・ペインなど)とともに説明されている。


Farnsworth's Classical English Rhetoric

Farnsworth's Classical English Rhetoric

Repetition of Words and Phrases
Simple Repetition of Words and Phrases: Epizeuxis, Epimone, etc.
Repetition at the Start: Anaphora
Repetition at the End: Epistrophe
Repetition at the Start and End: Symploce
Repeating the Ending at the Beginning: Anadiplosis
Repetition of the Root: Polyptoton
Structural Matters
Parallel Structure: Isocolon
Reversal of Structure: Chiasmus
Inversion of Words: Anastrophe
Using Extra Conjunctions: Polysyndeton
Leaving Out Conjunctions: Asyndeton
Leaving Out Words: Ellipsis
Dramatic Devices
Saying Things by Not Saying Them: Præteritio
Breaking Off in Midstream: Aposiopesis
Correcting Oneself: Metanoia
Rhetorical Uses of the Negative: Litotes
Rhetorical Questions: Erotema
Asking Questions and Answering Them: Hypophora Anticipating Objections and Meeting Them: Prolepsis
Bibliographical Note