

(追記)8/24 プーマ ジャパンのサイトに日本語訳が掲載された。

このブログ記事が長そうに見えることは分かってる。2つにちょん切ることも考えた。でも、まとめて載せたらスゴくいい感じ。時間のあるとき読んでみてよ。がっかりさせないから。Design on!

今、ここ Puma Runningドットコムはジャマイカ週間なので、フットウェアチームが先日ジャマイカに出張したときのことをみんなにお話しようと思う。チームは目下ウサイン・ボルト選手のカスタムスパイクに取り組んでいる。デザイン性の観点からではなくフィット性の観点から。これはどういう意味かというと、完全に足にフィットするような靴にしたいってこと。左の靴はボルト選手の左足だけにフィットし、右の靴は右足だけにフィットする。ほーら、世界最速の人間なら、こんな待遇を受けるんだ。もちろん、あなたにも専用のカスタムシューズを作って上げることはできる。ところが、そうするとあなたから数千ドル(数十万円)頂戴することになる。


チームがキングストンに着いたのは、蒸し暑い水曜の晩だった - ボストンも暑くはなったが、僕の身体はこれほどの暑さを覚悟していなかった。空港はマイペースで動いていると聞かされていて、この情報は正しかった。入国手続きでは行列で一時間も待たされた上、今回の滞在理由の説明もさんざんさせられた。その説明はまず「嘘だろう?」といった表情で受けとられ、ついで「羨ましい」に変わった。







ウサインがトレーニングを終えた後、最後の職人ドウェインが後を継ぎ、ウサインの足を計測し始めた。カーボン・インプリントをとってからウサインにお願いし足を Bio-Foam に入れてもらう。こうすることでわれわれはウサインの足の足痕をとることができる(写真参照)。この全てのデータは完全カスタムのウサイン・ボルト用ラストを作るために使用し、これが各足の正確なレプリカになる。このお蔭で、われわれは靴底からアッパー部分までウサインの足に完全にフィットするスパイクを組み立てることができるようになる。僕は認めなければならない。われわれがウサインの足を探り回っているとき微笑まなければならない大事な点が1つあることを - われわれ靴野郎は、世界最速の人間のための特別なプロジェクトで、常日頃、働けるわけではないってことを。


↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ボルトの足 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

bolt gets the perfect shoes - by PUMA’s design team

I realize this post looks long. I thought about chopping it in two. But it’s great in its entirety. Read it when you have time. You won’t be disappointed. Design on!

It being Jamaica Week here on Puma Running dot com, I thought we’d share a recent trip to the island our footwear team made. We’ve been working on a custom spike for Usain Bolt; not from a design standpoint, but from a fit standpoint. Meaning, we want the shoe to fit his feet perfectly. A left shoe designed specifically for his left foot and a right shoe designed specifically for his right foot. See, when you’re the fastest man in the world, you get this type of treatment. Of course, we can make custom shoes for you too, but it will set you back a few grand.

So the team (Phil, Craig, and Dewayne the Last Maker) headed to Jamaica to study Usain’s stride, his feet, his leg angles, and his personal thoughts about what would comprise The Perfect Shoe. Craig, our developer, takes it from here . . .

We arrived in Kingston on a humid Wednesday evening - Boston had warmed up, but my body wasn’t ready for this heat. We were told the airport moves at its own pace, and that’s accurate. We had to wait in line at immigration for an hour and then explain in great detail the reason for our visit, which was received at first with looks of disbelief and then of envy.

The taxi driver gave us a similar response when we told him why we were in town. Of course, the main difference between taxi drivers in Kingston and Boston is not in the amount of sports knowledge they have, but in the sport they have it in. In Kingston the cabbies know everything about every track athlete on the island the way Boston cabbies can tell you why Ortiz is in a slump or whether Brady will make a full recovery. The ride from the airport to the hotel was interesting. You travel along the water past what looked like a big stone quarry built into a hill side. And then through some neighborhoods that you probably don’t want to end up in at night. After 20 minutes or so you arrive at National Stadium, set at the base of a breathtaking cliff. The old stadium just looks iconic. Our hotel was only a mile from the stadium in a part of town called New Kingston.

Once we checked in we hit the hotel restaurant for some Jamaican cuisine and Red Stripe. At dinner we prepared for the next day’s event by going over what shoes would be tested in what order and all the measurements and fittings that would need to be taken. Needless to say Phil and I were excited to see what Usain would think of the spikes. A lot of hard work has gone into these and we feel that we have made significant progress so far with only some small tweaks needed to tailor the fit better to Usain’s foot. We left dinner feeling positive and ready for the next day. Then it started to rain. And rain hard. It wouldn’t stop until lunch time the next day.

Of course, we didn’t plan for two things:
1) Rain.
2) Usain’s aversion to rain.

I guess world class track athletes don’t like to train in the rain and, after all, why would they? They’re job is to run fast and if it’s raining in the morning, they can just wait until the afternoon. It’s not like the rest of us . . . if we can’t get our run in before work, it’s not like we can just sit at home sipping tea for a few hours until the rain stops. So we were worried when Usain told us he didn’t want to train in the rain; we were only in town for one day!

Finally, we got a call from Juliet Campbell, a former NCAA champion and Olympian in the 4 X 400 relay. Usain would be heading to the track soon. She picked us up at the hotel and drove us to the stadium. We arrived at the practice track adjacent to the National Stadium where some other athletes were already training. The athletes train on this practice track and reserve National Stadium only for racing. Usain went through a series of warm-up drills that would have been a full work-out for most of us. When he was ready to go, we got to work.

We handed him the first of six different spikes. The main difference between the spikes was in the material used on the upper and the reinforcements to support Usain’s foot. His foot strikes with so much force that we needed to find the precise amount of reinforcement to support his foot without adding any additional weight to the spike. As Usain took a few test runs around the track at various distances and in each spike option, Phil grabbed the video camera and took some film of him as he ended each sprint. The video will allow us to see where his foot is planting and how he pushes off, which will then determine where he needs the extra support. Usain did most of his training today at about 60% speed, which was still crazy fast. After Usain was finished we had a chance to go over what he liked and didn’t like about the different spikes. He was shocked when we told him we reduced the weight of the new spike by 30 grams compared to his Beijing spike. He gave us some great feedback so now we have a clear direction on how to proceed for the World Championships in Berlin.

After he finished training, Dewayne the Last Maker took over, starting with measurements of Usain’s foot. He also took a carbon imprint and had Usain place his foot in Bio-Foam so we could make an impression of his foot (see above.) All of this data will be used to make a totally custom Usain Bolt last that will be an exact replica of each foot. This will allow us to build a spike that fits his foot perfectly from the plate to the upper. I have to admit, there was a point when we were poking around his feet that I just had to smile - it’s not every day us shoe guys get to work on a special project for the World’s Fastest Man.

So now we’re all set to develop the fastest possible shoe for the fastest man in the world. Berlin, here we come!
